Fall Reminds Me…

Dear Bailey,

I was at your tree today by myself after I got my flu shot. It was drizzling and 52 but your tree, as always, looked so beautiful against the moody sky of today’s fall day. I took several pictures to show you. I always miss you, but Fall was your favorite, just like it is mine. Joy has not been able to enjoy it as much since her bout of pneumonia. I cannot take her out in damp cold weather because I don’t want her relapsing. Florida is calling and soon she will be back in her sunshine hopefully it won’t be too hot for her as she does not like it hot and humid either. Who does that remind you of? We all know if I was a dog I would have been one of your pack for sure. Our personalities are identical. This is how your tree looks today, October 21, 2023. In a couple of weeks, I am sure all the Red Maple leaves will be gone. It’s supposed to get warm next week and I will try to get Joy over to visit, but the ticks are horrible this year, so I have been careful as we have already had a few incidents! I hope you are taking taking of all our babies in beautiful Hyfryd. You, Safari, Sabie, Tarzan, Cheetah, Freedom, and all the others are never out of my thoughts but I am happy that you are watching over everyone. I am sending you love, hugs, and kisses today and every day. I received notice the other day that someone bought our book. Do you know people buy our book from all over the world? That always makes me happy and I hope it helps others. I love and miss you my sweet Bailey girl. Love, Mommy.

Missing My Bailey

Dear Bailey,

I always miss you, but especially around the holidays because you loved Christmas so much, just like Joy does. I always think of you because there are beautiful pictures of your everywhere and I feel your presence always. I hope you are having fun in Hyfryd and think of me as often as I think of you. When we left your Red Maple tree had shed all its leaves for winter and went to sleep, but I know when I return in the Spring, it will be sprouting all the fresh new leaves that it proudly bears in the warmer months of Summer. Red was your color and Christmas features so much red that I see you everywhere.

I just wanted to tell you that I love you, miss you and tell you that you are here with us in spirit at Christmas and always.

Love always and 4ever,


A Poem From You to Me


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Dear Mommy,

I am finally writing you back. I saw that you posted that cool picture of me from 10 (count em, 10!) years ago. I often think where does all the time go? Hard to imagine that I found Joy for you 9 years ago, after I left to come here to Hyfryd, over the Rainbow Bridge.

So as I was doing some Spring cleaning, I found one of the many beautiful poem you wrote for me. Now I have it hanging up. I think you will remember it. I just wanted to say you are here with me everyday in my heart and soul and I am with you. I see that you saw our tree at Buhl Park the other day right after you returned. I just wanted to you to recall this poem and say how much I think about you and Joy. Sabie sure is a character! Also, Safari, Tarzie, Cheetah, Freedom and all your babies are here in Hyfryd with me having fun and playing together. They send their love and kisses too. xxoo, Love you, Bailey

PS: I really love this poem xx

My Tree is so pretty!

Baileys Everywhere



Dear Bailey,

We must try to keep up with our letters! We have been been bad, although we talk and talk, don’t we? In the park, at the sky and the moon. There is currently a commercial on lately with a dog that reminds me of you. I see “Baileys” everywhere.

Your loving sister Joy says woof/hello. Today I have to take in Sabie for his echo on his little heart. Yes, he is still a little biter and yes, I have tried and tried, it’s just who he is, though he has gotten better but he is only 5, coming up on 6 in the summer. Here are some current pics for you.

How are things up in Hyfryd? We have this crazy thing called a pandemic all over the world. It’s a very bad virus that is highly contagious and because of that we cannot travel. Someday, we will be able to do that again and it is my goal to get to Wales especially Aberystwyth which is on the ocean. Border Collies descend from there as you well know, and I would like to visit some while there and see them herding on the vast farms that are there. Joy just herds Sabie all over the places. She likes to herd ducks in Pennsylvania and birds no matter where we are. And she now barks constantly at the postwoman and all delivery trucks. Yes, we are still snowbirds ourselves. I want to hear more about how you are doing and please let me know about all my other kids, especially Tarzan Cheetah, Jane, Freedom and Lucky. I thank you for taking care of them over the Rainbow Bridge.

Well, you write me back as soon as possible and I will watch for your letter. Recently a few people bought our book, I get notices from Amazon each time someone does. It’s nice to know because I feel our book helps people!

I love and miss you my Sweet Bailey and just like when you and I walked the planet together, everywhere I go without fail, someone tells me what a beautiful girl Joy is, which always reminds me that the same comments were always made with you as well. I know you are with us on every walk in every motion in every micro atom in which we exist. xoxoox, Mommy

Happy Birthday Bailey


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Dear Bailey,

Today is your 15th Birthday, How much do I wish you would have lived past age 10? There is not a day that goes by when Joy and I don’t talk about you. Here we are a few days ago visiting your dedicated tree in Buhl Park. We could not go today due to the rain, but we will get there tomorrow, it’s supposed to be a nice day. How you loved Buhl Park! Look at you sitting like the beauty you always were. I love you so very much and I know part of you is inside of Joy.

I sometimes wonder what it would have been like to have both you and Joy together, what a fun pairing that would have been.  Joy would have loved you and you would have loved her too. I do not know what it is about you Border Collies but it is special. I actually cannot imagine not sharing life without that energy that surrounds me. I still feel yours and Joy has enough for 10 BC’s.

I wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday and hope all is well in beautiful Hyfryd and that you are taking care of Safari, Tarzan, Cheetah, Jane, Freedom, Luck, Angel, and all the rest of our friends. You owe me a letter and I suspect I will get one this week. It’s been much too long since our last letters and I know you are thinking, okay Mom, I will write to you this week! I love you beautiful and always will. Someone just bought a copy of our book the other day. I hope that they enjoy it. You have fun today little lady. I love you so much and always will. Love, Mommy xxoo

The Color of Bailey


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Dear Mommy,

I know you keep visiting our tree and I keep telling you that I would write to you but I haven’t and I feel badly, so I wanted to take some time to do that this morning!

I just am always so busy with taking care of everyone and working here in Hyfryd. I have messages from Safari, Cheetah, Tarzan and Freedom! They all have been bugging me to write to you so they could relay how much they love and miss you. Of course I do too but I have all this responsibilities being the Mom here. Basically I am you up here. There is always so much to do. They are all doing great and I am too.

Can you believe how big our tree has grown at Buhl Park? Wow! It looks so pretty in the Fall with the beautiful red leaves (my favorite color) but when they start to fall off it looks so skinny doesn’t it? I think they tree’s growth shows us how time moves right past us with such subtly. Do you notice how I make the wind blow every day when you come visit? I know you plan on coming today in the rain after your appointment and I cannot wait to see you. I feel you when you kiss the leaves too. I like watching the dogs in the doggie park. Only you could have picked the perfect spot for the tree! Remember when there was no dog park? Now it’s even more joyful!

Hyfryd is getting ready for Christmas too. Yours truly is in charge of all the decorations in our section of town. Oh! I forgot to tell you the best news! How could I forget? Three months ago I opened two businesses. Well, of course everything here in Hyfryd is free. Remember how I used to knock over your Starbucks so I could get a taste of coffee? I know I was not supposed to do that but I just could not help myself sometimes! Anyway I opened Bailey’s Pup Cup Coffee Cafe! That was another reason I was so busy. Of course we can drink or eat anything here without getting sick – that is one really cool thing that everyone LOVES! We don’t have to be worried about fat-free, grain-free or anything. We are really free to enjoy everything! And right next door is the Kit Kat Kitchen, which of course is headed up by Tarzan and Safari and Cheetah and Freedom work with the customers! All our food and drinks are so yummy! The Hyfryd News rated both places 10 starts out of 10!

So all is well up here Mommy. I have pictures of everyone in our family on the walls of both places, including these favorites of yours but I think we have about 10,000 pictures!Screen Shot 2016-12-09 at 4.02.46 PM.png

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I love you Mommy! I miss you every second of every day and you know a little of me is inside Joy – you know that and feel it every time she rolls around our tree in the park the second you arrive. I am there too, right next to you, smiling. Give Joy and Sabie a kiss for me. Safari told me to tell you to tell Sabie quit the biting. I know, you told him too 1000 times, I think he is improving, but he is still a baby. Keep working on him says Safari.

I promise to write more often and you do the same! I am sending you a million hugs and kisses from me and the kitty crew.

All My Love,

Bailey Girl

The Joy Beneath Your Tree


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Screen Shot 2017-09-01 at 8.08.58 PM.pngJoy always stands beneath your tree, the second we arrive at your  special place in the park. There, she rolls in the grass each time with such glee, Part of you is part of her. I just know it.

I was thinking about how your personalities differ and how they are similar. Both Border Collies, you love intensely and you were very smart, just as Joy is. There is a strength in Border Collies that I much admire but their intense drive to love is what I love the most.  You were the kindest dog to everyone you met. Joy loves meeting new people but she is more choosey than you were. I think of you everyday Bailey, Joy and I have never been to the park without visiting your tree. I continue to feel your love fro the heavens above and envelopes me in a beautiful way that allows me to see you through Joy. I love you and am so thankful I was the one that got to rescue you and give you the senior life you deserved. We are only passing through this earth but I am sure glad that you were my daughter. I will love you always. Write Soon Bailey!


A Shared Birthday Kiss…


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Dear Bailey,

It was the day before my birthday last month and I was walking into a grocery store when I noticed this sweet girl waiting patiently in the car for her peeps to return. I went in and then saw her again as I was leaving so I stopped to talk to her this time.

Suddenly a man walks up and starts talking to me saying how nice it was that I was spending some time talking to his dog and that she loves everyone. A second later, his partner comes up and says, “Has she kissed you?” “Not yet I exclaimed!” “She will,” he said proudly, agreeing with his partner’s statement that she loved everyone. I asked if she was a Springer Spaniel and the two nice men from Canada confirmed my guess. I said that she was really sweet and soft and then she kissed me. “Let me get a picture of her with you on your phone!” “Oh that would be so nice,” I said, knowing I would use this for our blog.

“One more thing guys. What is her name?” “Bailey,” he said. “My heart raced and it figured, that one day before my birthday, another Bailey girl would be here on earth giving me kisses because my Bailey was over the Rainbow Bridge in Hyfryd managing the town – for those of you who read our book, Letters To Each Other,” you know what I mean.

Thanks Bailey for helping my Bailey come and give me a special birthday day kiss. The book, A Dog’s Purpose talks about this phenomenon.  My Bailey is part of many Bailey girls and that was the best birthday gift of all. I love you my Bailey and I loved that another Bailey let us share kisses together.

Faith and Love


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Dear Mommy,

Just want you to know that Me, Safari, Tarzan, Cheetah, Freedom, Jane and Lucky are having a lot of fun up here in Hyfrd over the Bridge. We are having the town’s BIG Christmas party tonight and of course I am the coordinator!  I will herd everyone over there at 6pm and light up Hyfryd in the town square! It looks just like all the Hallmark movies you watch!

I cannot believe it’s been five years since you kissed me and held me, can you? I know you see me in so many ways and I certainly see you as well. Just know that love and faith is the glue that holds us tightly together. Always and Forever. #ADogsPurpose I love you Mommy!

Your Bailey Girl….xoxooxoxoxooxox